Like any good recipe the projects influences are varied. A dash of film noir, a pinch of smooth jazz, and a large serving of the fantastic. All of which serve to illustrate the mystique involved in the creation of good food. The project's more stylized and cartoonish appearance allowed me to get my hands dirty with character design and modeling. It was the first time I had attempted it, and required multiple iterations before the final look was achieved. I've continued refining my work flow for the design and animation of characters, getting a little better everyday.
Made inside Cinema 4D with Redshift. Compositing and assembly completed in After Effects and Premiere Pro.

The smoke is made from spheres in a cloner, which is placed into a volume builder.

The running mushrooms are animated on 2's and designed to loop.

The Redshift material for the fish asset. The scales are driven by a displacement map, rather than existing as actual geometry.

A brief story board outlining planned shots