The project consists of ten shots over the course of thirteen seconds. Everything you see is entirely modeled, lit, textured, animated, and directed by me. Within these 13 seconds there are upwards of thirty unique textures and fifteen fully modeled assets (not including simple objects like floors, walls, and windows). I decided to create almost everything from scratch not to make more work for myself, but to have complete and total control over the atmosphere of the piece. My favorite part of the process was photographing local graffiti and stickers to include in the project (although some of them were found online).
Made inside Cinema 4D with Redshift. Compositing and assembly completed in After Effects and Premiere Pro.

A plane pushes the furniture upwards in low gravity, allowing for more control over the float.

Low poly box with a twist deformer drives the mesh deformer attached to the high-poly hallway.

An example of one of the many Redshift materials I had to develop for this project. I try and completely avoid pre-made assets.

All of my more involved projects begin with a rough storyboard.